Wednesday, August 13, 2008


As my blog mostly will revolve around social concepts, political ideas and other themes of interest, I will seldom write in length about typical tourist stuff that I do, as I have a limited amount of time to spend on other things than studies. Therefore I encourage you to read the blogs of my classmates Gøril, Marie and Fredrik to see more pictures and also detailed descriptions of the places we go and alike. I'm sorry to say that they are in Norwegian, but the pictures are international.

On their pages you'll be able to read about our trip to Huangshan, The Nanjing massacre museum , the Ming Temple in Nanjing and the Sun Yat-Sen Mausoleum. All beautiful places that I recommend to visit. Huangshan(Yellow Mountain) in particular, that place is haven on earth!

PS. I hope you all have discovered the picture slidshow on the bottom of my blog. By clicking on the slides you'll be able to get to my flickr pages where you will find all my pictures.

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